⭐️ Unexplained brain fog, lack of clarity, or inability to think straight
⭐️ Feeling tired, having mood swings, groggy, irritable or even anxious without any specific reason
⭐️ Extreme pain or discomfort around your monthly cycle, inflammation, digestive issues, cramps, heavy bleeding, headaches, soreness or absolute fatigue
⭐️ Feeling like you dread your period, have been stuck on birth control, lost your periods, have irregular periods, experiencing pre-menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, lack of joy in life, insomnia, difficulty falling asleep or waking up) or in any way resenting your menstrual cycle and the way you experience it
⭐️ Contemplating getting off of birth control but unsure how your body will respond, recovering from postpartum and feeling overwhelmed by your hormones, changing body, or emotions, wanting to optimize for pregnancy or even just for better performance in your day-to-day life (and the bedroom) but can’t seem to figure out how
⭐️ Feel like somehow you’re at odds with your body, can’t seem to lose weight, always feel bloated, gassy, or unhappy in your skin
⭐️ Have unexplainable acne, bad skin, rashes, infertility, autoimmunity or other unexplainable symptoms